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Origin Story

Updated: Sep 15, 2021

Sojourner Survival Outpost (SSO) began as an idea and is meant to develop into a sanctuary where people can grow closer together and closer to God through the common theme of mastering the wilderness. The concept is meant to provide a platform where people can come learn survival skills and put those very same skills to the test in real time. It is also meant to provide exciting expeditions and excursions throughout Tennessee and the country. All of this while creating an environment where people can exchange outdoors skills and lessons learned through our online presence. What may take some time is developing out the Swag Store. Turns out, developing and resourcing products is no small task.

Now, to understand the origin story, you must first understand the why behind the what. Why are we developing this platform? Well, the seed for the idea was placed on my heart while securing a tin roof to a shed we were building in a Guatemalan orphanage compound. Overall, that trip taught me so many lessons, but for our purposes here we will stick with just one. That day a thunderstorm rolled in, and in the higher elevations of Guatemala they can be quite powerful. This one was no exception. The thunder was so loud it sounded like I could reach out and touch God's voice. We were working against the clock while on that roof and the cards were not in our favor. With the thunderstorm roaring and the wind giving us a run for our money, we completed the roof with zero injuries. It was a success! It was an honor to be a part of something greater than ourselves. It truly felt like God had created a sanctuary for His children at the orphanage and we were allowed to contribute in a small way. We later snapped a photo of the shed to prove that it was still standing. Disclaimer: We were not and are not master shed builders so keep that in mind when you check out the picture below.

Even today, that feeling of being allowed to be a part of something bigger remains with me. I believe that each and every one of us has the responsibility to rightly choose our path in the finite amount of time we have in this life. SSO is a slightly different version of a sanctuary than the orphanage in Guatemala. It is a platform where people can take a step back from society and learn some fun and useful skills while building lasting memories.

As I wrap up my career in the military, I look back with sadness, pain, and feelings of accomplishment. With half of my career having been Infantry and the second half being Special Forces, I have developed a passion for survival training and embracing the wilderness. For me, the wilderness is therapeutic in a way. The most entertaining course I have ever gone through was U.S. Army Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (S.E.R.E.) School. In almost 20 years of service that school stands out as my #1 favorite course.

We are all very interested in seeing how exactly SSO will take shape and welcome you to join in on the journey. After all, this is only the first chapter of the story. Only God knows where it will lead...

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Go Mr D! Praying for you. JM


John Doe
John Doe

Get after it brother!! Keep killing it in life and heading where God is leading you. Sad to see you leaving the Army.


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